Sacred Heart of Jesus 
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I  Raise My Voice in Defense of the Unborn.  Caritas Newsletter, March 1998.
explains the 2 kinds of absolution. Caritas Newsletter, October 1998.
Ordination to the "Order of Acolyte", the 4th and highest of the Minor Orders.
Act of Perfect Contrition
from Caritas Newsletter, October 1998
The altar on which the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is offered up to God.
Anglican & Confession
true story of an Anglican priest and his conversion to Catholicism
one of four ear marks by which the Church of today is recognized as identical with the One Church founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ upon the Apostles.
true Catholic Art, many beautiful pictures, all traditional, and some by catholic artists. 
Words of encouragement from St. Athanasius to the early Christians plagued by the Arian heresy.


Instruction on how a lay person can administer Baptism.
Baptism of the Vatican II Sect
Shows why the Vatican II baptism is invalid.
Bateman:  + Gordon Bateman - Ordination
Bateman:  + Gordon Bateman - Consecration
Beast   to avoid being overcome by the Beast, seek refuge in the true Church. 
           Caritas Newsletter, October 1998.
Benedict XVI:  Heresies of Anti-pope Benedict XVI
shows the heresies using published documents and compares to true Catholic doctrine
A link to your own complete Douay-Rheims version of the Bible, first published in 1609. 
Bible Sermon
Catholic teaching on the Bible. A sermon entitled "The Church or the Bible", particularly geared towards Protestants.
The Rite of "Consecration of a Bishop", according to the Roman Pontifical, March 30, 1892.
Broken Cross, The
History of John XXIII's initiation into Freemasonry in 1935.


Capuchin Prophecy
dated 1776: the true and lawful Pope will be elected  from the Capuchin Order
Caritas Newsletters
Menu of periodical newsletters from a True Catholic priest.
Catechism of Christian Doctrine
Revised Edition of the Baltimore Catechism No. 2, dated 1941.
Catechism on the Errors of Vatican II and its "popes"
In simple Q&A format, an explanation of the errors of Vatican II showing why each of its 4 leaders was never a true pope.
Catholic Religion Proved by the Protestant Bible
using texts from the King James Bible
The sacred vessel holding the Sacred Blood of Our Lord.
Charity is understood as sanctifying grace, and the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. Caritas Newsletter, November 1995.
Church or the Bible
sermon by Fr. Arnold Damen (1815 - 1890) on the Catholic Church Teaching on the Bible 
Clear Conscience
explains a clear and justified conscience and sin. Caritas Newsletter, October 1998.
Catholic art, many beautiful pictures, traditional etc...
Communism  Condemned United Nations by the 1955 true Catholic Church Dizionario di teoliga Morale Editrice Studium, Rome, Italy 
Communism & Ugly Art
Explain how ugliness is used by god-less communists to destroy a civilization, its culture, government, and religion. Caritas Newsletter, November 1995.
Compton, Piers
Author of "The Broken Cross" which gives the history of John XXIII's initiation into Freemasonry in 1935.
Instruction on the Canon Law and papal decree which governs when a priest may hear confessions.
Confession & the Anglican priest
true story of an Anglican priest and his conversion to Catholicism
The Sacrament that makes us soldiers of Christ. Caritas Newsletter, November 1995.
Consecration of a Bishop
The Rite, according to the Roman Pontifical, March 30, 1892.
An explanation of your conscience -- what it is and what it does. Caritas Newsletter, November 1996.
The Act of Perfect Contrition explained.
Curriculum Vitae form, the resume of one's spiritual life, for joining the one holy catholic & apostolic church.


Ordination to the "Order of Deacon", the 2nd of the Major Orders
"Preparation for Death," by St. Alphonsus de Liguori, instructs on the shortness of life, and the vanities of the world.
Decisive Grace
All these extraordinary graces depend often upon some little act of obedience, some slight act of self-denial. Caritas Newsletter, July 1996.
Demonic Symbols, condemnation of
Pius XIII condems Demonic & Masonic symbols such as Hand symbols, Broken Cross, Obelisk
"Truth About the Devil" by Very Rev. Dominic Szymanski. Possession by the Devil, and the Rite of Exorcism.


Explains one of the heresies of Vatican II Council.
address for sending questions about true Catholicism.
Encyclical on the Catholic Priesthood
Excerpts of encyclical "Ad Catholici Sacerdotii" by Pope Pius XI, Dec. 20, 1935.
English – the Third Official Language of the Church
Caritas Newsletter, November 1995.
Evolution at the Vatican
Tragic statements from bogus "pope" John Paul II. Caritas Newsletter, June 1997.
A simple exorcism to curb the power of the devil and prevent him from doing harm.
Exorcism, Rite of
"Truth About the Devil" by Very Rev. Dominic Szymanski. Possession by the Devil, and the Rite of Exorcism.
Ordination to the "Order of Exorcist", the 3rd of the Minor Orders.


False Popes -- Photo Gallery
eye-opening photos of J23, P6, JP1, JP2
Feeney, Fr. Leonard
Jesuit priest who taught the error that salvation is ONLY through Baptism of Water.
Free Will, Intellect & Faith
Caritas Newsletter, July 1994.


General Councils

Many of the truths of Catholicism, presented in graphical format.


Hail Mary of a Protestant
The true story of a little six-year-old Protestant boy.
There is nothing on earth as important as getting ready for heaven.  Caritas Newsletter, July 1997.
Heresies:  101 Heresies of Anti-pope John Paul II
shows the heresies using published documents.
Holy Orders Home Page
Menu and Introduction to the Minor Orders of Porter, Reader, Exorcist, Acolyte, and the Major Orders of Subdeacon, Deacon and Priest.
Holy Orders
An overview of the Sacrament of Holy Orders.
Holy Water
The Power of Holy Water from the Autobiography of St. Teresa of Avila 1562 A.D.
Home Schooling
A Blessing to You and Your Children.  Caritas Newsletter, August 1997.
Home Page
The main Home Page of the True Catholic website.
Hosts & Wine
How to make these essential elements for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.  Where to acquire the needed equipment.
Humility & Authority
Humility is a virtue that is derived from a profound reverence towards God.  Caritas Newsletter, March 1998.


Implicit Beliefs
Accepting Church teaching even though we may not know nor understand them. Caritas Newsletter, June 1997.
Index  What is the Index, Bruce Publishing Index of Forbidden books by                  the true Catholic Church.
The remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sin. Caritas Newsletter, November 1996.
Information about the True Catholic website, including an email function and a statistics counter.
The way in which we should offer all our actions to God, through our Morning Offering and throughout the day.
Introduction to God
For those who have never heard about God.


John Paul II:  101 Heresies of Anti-pope John Paul II
shows the heresies using published documents.
John Paul II Photographs
John Paul II showing why he was never a pope.
History of his initiation into Freemasonry in 1935.
False pope whose character is examined.  Caritas Newsletter, July 1997.
Instruction on the Canon Law and papal decree which governs when a priest may hear confessions.




Latin Missals
where to get good Latin Missals. Caritas Newsletter, October 1998.
The need for us to do penance, particularly during the season of Lent.
a much confused term.  Caritas Newsletter, February 1998.
Litany of the Saints
Litany honoring all the saints. Used during the rite of Ordination.
Liturgy of the Catholic Church
the public official service of the Church
Living Our Catholic Faith
Instructs Catholics on how to practice their religion today, when the availability of a true priest is quite remote.
Lyons: Fr. Robert Lyons
his ordination to the priesthood.


Major Orders
Introduction to the Major Orders of Holy Orders, including Subdeacon, Deacon & Priesthood.
Malachy's (St.) Prophecy
prophesies fit all the Popes after 1590 with uncanny aptness.
Marian Hymns
A collection of some of the well-known hymns to Our Blessed Mother, Mary.
Marriage Menu
Church law regarding marriage, preparation for marriage, marriage without a pastor, duties of a married couple.
Marriage Annulments Fiasco
Caritas Newsletter, May 1997.
Marriage, Mixed
the Church's position on Mixed Marriages, taken from "The Catechism Explained" by  Spirago-Clarke, 1921.
Mary, our powerful Intercessor
Caritas Newsletter, May 1998.
Marylike Standards of Modesty in Dress
Mary is the model for all womanhood.
The complete text of the Mass in Latin and English.
Meekness & Firmness
Article on the character of false pope John XXIII.  Caritas Newsletter, July 1997.
Minor Orders
Introduction to the Minor Orders of Holy Orders, including Porter, Reader, Exorcist & Acolyte.
an heretical attempt to remodel Christianity.  Caritas Newsletter, January 1998.
Modesty in Dress
How we should clothe our body. Caritas Newsletter, July 1997.
Moral Theology on War
What makes a war just or unjust?
Mount St. Michael's
Open Letter from Pope Pius XIII to people going to a non-Catholic "church" in Spokane, WA, USA for religion.


Menu Page for Caritas Newsletters, a set of periodical newsletters from a True Catholic priest.
Novena to the Holy Ghost
The oldest of all novenas since it was first made at the direction of Our Lord. It is a powerful plea for the light, strength and love so sorely needed by every Christian.
Number 40
how God, in His eternal plan, used the number 40 for many of the important events.


One True Church
sermon by Fr. Arnold Damen (1815 - 1890) for those non-Catholics looking to find the Church that Jesus established
The Catholic Rite of Ordination, including the Minor and Major Orders.
Overview of this Website
Home page of this website presents the Church today, Pope Pius XIII, the invalid Vatican II Sect, and the 4 last false-popes.


Papal Situation
Articles on the papal situation today. Shows why the last 4 men in the Vatican were never pope. 
Doing Penance for our sins, including fasting, prayers and alms-giving. Caritas Newsletter, February 1997.
Photo Gallery of Vatican II "popes"
John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul I, John Paul II
Pope, elected to the Chair of St. Peter on October 24, 1998.
Ordination to the "Order of Porter", the 1st of the Minor Orders.
The main Catholic Prayers that should be known and said by all Catholics.
Prayer of St. Michael
The complete version as composed by Pope Leo XIII. Caritas Newsletter, July 1996.
Presence of God & Prayer
By thought we can put ourselves in the presence of Christ. Caritas Newsletter, March 1997.
Ordination to the "Order of Priest", the 3rd and highest of the Major Orders.
Priest Absent
Letter by Fr. Demaris, 1801, during the French Revolution to Catholics who were deprived of having a priest for Mass & the Sacraments.
Priest Claimants
How to determine if a man claiming to be a priest is legitimate. Caritas Newsletter, February 1994.
Profession of the Catholic Faith
A profession of faith used by converts to Catholicism, be they Novus Ordo, Protestant or any other religion.
Promises of Salvation
How to Interpret Them - by Pope Pius XIII
Possession by the Devil
"Truth About the Devil" by Very Rev. Dominic Szymanski, Demonic Possession and the Rite of Exorcism.
Protestant Menu
A complete reference guide for Protestants seeking the truth about the Church that Jesus Christ instituted.
Protestant Personal Savior
A rude awakening.  Caritas Newsletter, August 1997.
The place of final purification. Caritas Newsletter, July 1997.
Purpose of Man and Perfection
Degrees of reward and punishment in heaven or hell, self-love, selfishness, ego. Caritas Newsletter, June 1997.

Popes Listing w/dates of all offical legitmate popes of the Catholic Church.


Questions & Information
Email questions about true Catholicism.


Radiethesia  Science of using a natural law as a tool.  Thus is associated with                        electrical current of the body, and the mind, with earths                       magnetic field. Of which contains electricity. Differ currents.

Ordination to the "Order of Reader", the 2nd of the Minor Orders.
By the shedding of His Blood on the cross, Christ redeemed all men. There is a great difference between redemption and salvation. Caritas Newsletter, October 1992.
Reverse Paradyme
Good Becomes Evil, Truth Becomes Falsehood, by Pius XIII
Reward & Punishment
in Heaven or Hell.  Caritas Newsletter, August 1997.
Roncalli, Angelo (Cardinal), aka John XXIII
History of John XXIII's initiation into Freemasonry in 1935.
A most powerful devotion to Our Blessed Mother, Mary. With beautiful images of each mystery.



Sacred Heart of Jesus
Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
The dogma and explanation of Church teaching on salvation. "Outside the Church there is no salvation."
Salvation, Promises of
How to Interpret Them - by Pope Pius XIII
Sanctifying Grace
Makes us temples of God, and God dwells in us. Caritas Newsletter, May 1997.
The Brown Scapular - "Whosoever dies wearing this cloth shall not suffer eternal fire."
History of the Great Schism of the West (1378-1417) and the lessons we can learn regarding a papal election in today's state of the Church.
Search the True Catholic website by keyword(s).
A religion of destruction. Humanity is made into gods. Caritas Newsletter, May 1997.
Spanish Menu
Some documents of the website translated into Spanish.
Stations of the Cross
by St. Francis of Assisi, with 14 beautiful pictures
Ordination to the "Order of Subdeacon", the 1st of the Major Orders


Te Deum Laudamus
A Hymn of Praise to God.  Used during the rite of Consecration of a Bishop.

The Ten Commandments 1609

The Real Ten Commandments From the Douay Rheims 1609 version Catholic Bible. (includes the unmentioned of final commandments by God inside the tenth commandment)

Theological Virtues of Faith, Hope & Charity
Caritas Newsletter, May 1997.
Therese, St.
John Paul II declares St. Therese a "Doctor of the Church", which no woman can be. Caritas Newsletter, November 1997.
Three Days of Darkness
Caritas Newsletter, July 1994.
The haircut worn by clerics as a distinctive mark of their state.
Explanation of The Trinity from the Athanasian Creed. Caritas Newsletter, June 1997.
True Church
A sermon entitle "The One True Church" for those non-Catholics looking to find the Church that Jesus established.




Vatican II
The heresies taught by the Vatican II non-Catholic sect. Caritas Newsletter, August 1989.
Vatican II Ecclesiology
Errors and heresies of Vatican II ecclesiology including Ecumenism, Democratic Government, Rights of Man, and the Novus Ordo Mass.
Vatican II "popes" -- Photo Gallery
John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul I, John Paul II
Vatican II Rites - Are they valid?
shows why V2 rites are invalid using documents of Pope Leo XIII.
Vatican II Website
Claims only 4 "popes" as its leaders.  Caritas Newsletter, July 1997.
Veni Creator
The hymn "Come Holy Ghost, Creator Come" in Latin & English.
the Sacred Vessels used in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
a priest's vestments used for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
Video Gallery of Pope Pius XIII
short video clips, plus Episcopal Consecration of Pius XIII.
Visionaries  &  Pope Pius XIII
Prophesies Have Uncanny Accuracy
The sole foundation for true brotherly love is the love of God. Caritas Newsletter, May 1997.


War, Moral Theology on ...
What makes a war just or unjust?
Way of the Cross
by St. Francis of Assisi, with 14 beautiful pictures.
Why Are There So Many Churches
the answer lies in private interpretation of the Bible
Wine & Hosts
How to make these essential elements for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.  Where to acquire the needed equipment.
Without a Priest
Letter by Fr. Demaris, 1801, during the French Revolution to Catholics who were deprived of having a priest for Mass & the Sacraments.
Women Wearing Men's Attire
Letter from Cardinal Siri,  June 1960.
Writings of Pope Pius XIII
from Oct. 24, 1998 to present



Xit 666    not to be of the beast, One must not use this mark.





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