What is the Index?

Redmond A. Burke, C.S.V.,  (Clerici Sancti Viatoris)(Cleric of St Viateur)  PH.D.  Director of Libraries.  

Nihil obstat:  John P. Lynch, C.S.V. (Clerici Sancti Viatoris).

Imprimi potest: John F. Brown, C.S.V. Provincial.

Nihil obstat: Patrick M. J. Clancy, O.P., J.C.D., Censor deputatus. (Ordo Praedicatorum(Dominicans) (Juris Canoici Doctor (Doctor of Both Laws - Cival and Canon).

Imprimatur: ?Samuel Cardinal Stritch, Archiepiscopus Chicagiensis.  March 17th 1952.

©, 1952, Bruce Publishing Company.  Made in the USA (second print)
"To Richard J. French,  C.S.V.  &  Sister M. Reparata, O.P. for every good reason."


There is a considerable body of literature in Latin on the Catholic Church regulations of reading and on the censorship of books in advance of publication. But in the English Language, we have little except learned canonical treatises, which without exception are written only for the scholar or which verge on the polemic.

As a student in the Graduate Library School for the University of Chicago, the writer presented a dissertation on the literary policy of the Catholic Church, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the doctorate. This theme was chosen because, as a lay student in the University of Illinois before beginning study for the priesthood, the author had searched in vain for concise, reliable guidance in applying the principles of the Church to his own study. The present work attempts to supply this by co-ordinating a factual descriptrion of the modern system of the Church's book legislation with an exposition of its rationale, as expounded by authoritative canon lawyers.

The chief shortcoming of most books treating of moral problems is that they are intended primarily to meet the needs of professional theologians.  This present work is written from the point of view of culture at large and in language that should be understood by the average layman, Catholic and non-Catholic.

When the manuscript was first submitted to the graduate Library School, the author was extremely grateful that his academic director was Professor Pierce Butler, who gave unstintingly of his time in numerous conferences and offerd many suggestions. Acknowledgment  is also due to other teachers, Professors Leon Carnovsky, Bernard Berelson, and Joachim Wach, who took time to read the first draft of the manuscript in its entirety and to suggest improvements.

Since then the dissertation has been revised for presentation in book form. Although space limitations prevent a listing of all who have co-operated in this transformation, the writer must express his special gratitude for the aid given by Joseph Donovan, C.M.,  Sister M, Jeremy, O.P., Jeanette M. Lynn, M. Lillian Ryan, and more particularly by Pierce Butler, who has been acutely perceptive of the Catholic viewpoint and keenly interested in its exposition.

Redmond A Burke C.S.V.

Apendix A is in the .jpg  format >

View Imprimatur 

View Introduction  2   4

1  Historical Backround   6   8 

2  Censorship of Books in Advance of Publication   12   14   16   18

3  Condemnation of Published Books  20   22   24

4  General Classes of Forbidden Literatrue    26   28   30  32   34   36   38

5  Methods of Examining Books by the Congregation of the Holy Office   42   44

6  The Index of Forbidden Books   46   48   50   52   54   56   58  

7  Penalties for Violation   62   64  

8  Permission to Read Forbidden Books  68   70   72   74  

9  Promotion of Reading   78  

Appendix A: Censorship of Special Classes  80   82   84   86


 Appendix B, Law and Censorship of Special Classes of Books.

 Appendix B - INDEX - Forbidden Authors and Titles - Complete Works Forbidden List >  Table I

 Appendix B - INDEX - Forbidden Authors and Titles - Specific Works Forbidden List >  Table II 

Appendix B - INDEX - Forbidden Authors and Titles  - Novelists Table III.

Appendix B - INDEX - Specific by Abbe Bethleem - READABLE BOOKS Table IV.

Appendix B - INDEXForbidden Titles Authors English Language -  Table V.

Appendix C,   (The Great Books Program) 

Appendix C,   (Great Books Program)   Specific Books Permmited AND Encouraged

The Great Books Foundation INDEX

Sources of GOOD Law Listing. INDEX

Always it is true Catholics Responsibility to monitor the list.  Using proper prudence & council.  List is in it's append state.

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