Curriculum IHM

 to enter
"IHM'Council Majesterium"
or to
join us here at the tcc.

true Catholic Church

Anyone is welcome to enter this Council Session and ask us polite questions on Sundays

Caution; If you do not give email address inside the room,
Your profession of faith will not recieve email of verification document.
Our Forms are down and are not currently working due to move of the web
more reputable server.   Please bear with us on that.  One may still make profression of the true Faith through email.
Then you proceed to be noted on the clergy list of members with email.

Laypeople are permitted to enter the council room and chat without application form.
But should fill out the form to join us under +God in His true one holy Catholic Church, When it is operable, and profess the true faith.
Only sincere serious minded people should come inside the room.. 

- Undernet -   click


If above undernet server is not working html,  try downloading a IRC chat program,
We reccomend you register on obtaining a username an password,
so that when you go in the room, you can use your account for sign in, operation is better
when you have full accses on channel listings to talk in any channel.
We recommend
And also look on DALnet for the specific chat room of us if undernet is not operational

And Yes, you may use your real name.
There is nothing wrong with truth.
We try to use our name, but it seems to always be taken aready on the server, so bear with that as to what nickname you will use of


And enter into the council room itself,  for real time connection; b
inside the Mirc chat Room by request of, or in any private room via tcc room, by irc itself, or u may ask us via in email any mirc questions.  email trueCatholic Church  

This all of course is Prior to any Actual true Visual Events that may take their place.  IHM, Immaculate Heart of Maria.  
 The true Visual Event Locations may be issued OUTSIDE the USA yes if they do happen, Anywhere in this world via 2027 perhaps if not sooner, it will be,
Of course, at a later time and date then. -  The reason for this is the truths of the true Holy Scriptures.  And Only to those who are inside the true Catholic Church.  
A very triumphant church.   Later time will be announced of if so by us here when it is known, and hopefully when it is
really possible perhaps after the recognition of My true God;  and of His true holy things.  (the true Holy Scriptures DRB)

 So if you go in the link above,
and you do not find the room itself  (IHM'Council) then you are in the room at the wrong time if there are not admistration names.....

Warning, their are mandatory rules, 10 commandments, plus God's precepts... All those with any obnoxious non catholic non Christian, attitude
will be booted from the room.

IF speaking in another than the english language's, you may use like a google translator at your own risk. 

Please change it to english.

We shall translate text at this end if it is needed AMAP. But please use english as much as possible in the Council Room.


Downloads of MIRC Software for IRC chat     mIRC v7.1 for Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7   USE THIS LINK > MIRC

mIRC v6.35 For OLDER Real Operating systems such as Windows98se, 98 ME, and others , USE THIS LINK > MIRC

mIRC usage;  Use via connect to  EFnet SERVER on the IRC CLIENT SOFTWARE, or use link at the top of this page....  /join the IHM'Council  name in that server, Specific, CASE SENSITIVE as in the yellow. You Type it in then hit the enter button. 2+ hrSundays.  You must use a handle name and all Clergy members are expected to give this name to us here, at contact of the IHM' Circulum Form Resume for apply

God Only Has, One Holy Bible


Disscussion can be in multiple languages also using google translate copy bing copy bar...

 Use paste actions from google site on IRC CLIENT...  You may ask us for web links inside the chat room or via  email trueCatholic Church    



 Skype is no longer being used.   Only IRC...  mIRC, etc etc.    It is now Microsoft Old Skype, and this software is not in conjunciton of justice of the freedom of speech laws anymore within the United States Country, and its true US Constitution.  Thus it was updated and old versions all deleted of from usages on the interent by the pig 666 Microsoft...  When they perfomed this horrible, Communism, We the true Catholic Church decided against its usages any longer at all for our purposes here at the tcc. Only on IRC clients efNet will the council room continue of in the online atmosphere....Until the everyone is on new RetroShare open source platform, a new email system.  This system is flaw free from corporation detections and abuses, we do stress you to read about the death of email and the communism inflicted upon the United States and entire world today.

 Italianos may use this Version IRC Italia Linguisitcs Software.  All downloads are at your own risk,

and do not need to be used.  Link above will take you straight into the Council Room and also has

other Languages on it for operation of itself.  We still supply the old mIRC if prefered.

Italiano mIRC version 6.35 - Windows 98se, 98 ME, XP and 2000

Sometimes via saturdays we be online yes.  no time sychronize...  

We do request members to be in the room with us.  but is never mandatory.

Western Sychronization Time Simplified

Counci is held on SUNDAY's Each and Every SUNDAY AT the SAME TIME.  Pacific American 12pm

24 hr clock quoted ------------------------------------=------TIME-------=----------------------------------------12 hr clock quoted.
Council Time Session Below, quoted
  'Sunday's'   See below image map and converter for all other clock times.
&n &n 
UTC  'Z'ulu  time Africa; >  19:00:00span> - 21:30:00  -  Sunday Evenings;    -  HRs MINs Sec. -   7 pm  -  9:30 pm  ZULU TIME

Sunday's >>>

Our Time is >>>  MT or Seattle in below Calculator / 'UT' on the pdf map'   time; >  12:00:00 - 14:30:00  -   HRs MINs Sec. -     12pm  -  2:30pm

CENTRAL    'S'    time; >     14:00:00 - 16:30:00  -   HRs MINs Sec. -  2pm  -  4:30pm   

ATLANTIC  'R'   time; >  16:00:00 - 18:30:00  -    HRs MINs Sec. -    3pm5:30pm

BRAZILIAN   'P'    time; >  17:00:00 - 19:30:00  -    HRs MINs Sec. -   5pm  -  7:30pm

ALASKIAN    'V'    time; >   11:00:00 - 13:30:00  -    HRs MINs Sec. -  11am - 1:30pm 

Map is 2400 hour time clock p>

Download World Time Zone Map for sychronizing your time...    pdf  > Time Zone Map


World Time Converter


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