On the death of Sergius IV in June, 1012, "a certain Gregory", opposed the election of Benedict VIII, and got himself made pope, seemingly by a small faction. Promptly expelled from Rome, he made his way to Germany, and craved the support of King Henry II (25 Dec., 1012). That monarch, however, after promising him that his case should be carefully examined in accordance with canon law and Roman custom, took away from him the papal insignia which he was wearing, and bade him cease to act as pope in the meanwhile. After this, history knows the "certain Gregory" no more.
Chronicle of Thietmar, IV, lxi, in P.L., CXXXIX.
Transcribed by Janet van Heyst
The Catholic Encyclopedia,
Copyright © 1907
Robert Appleton Company
Nihil Obstat, March 1,
1907. Remy Lafort, S.T.D., Censor
+John Cardinal Farley, Archbishop of New